July 20, 2019
Global’s main focus for 2019 is to locate and acquire vacant, big-box retail stores that we can convert into 3rd generation climate-controlled self-storage facilities. Global has developed a robust, working model that allows us to be a low-cost com-petitor as we continue to search for undervalued and over-looked properties in secondary and tertiary markets. We have constructed a precise, cost-efficient formula that gives us an advantage to search for the correct demographics that make a self-storage investment a viable solution for a specific area: population/growth metrics, median household income, 1-3-5 mile radius analyses of car traffic, competition etc.
While we always continue to search for value-add opportunities that make sense for us and our capital partners, we believe that we have the right tools in the toolbox to secure under-valued assets that we can successfully acquire and convert to self-storage. Moreover, we continue to vastly search various marketplaces around the country, however; we currently have a strong interest in the Northeast markets as well as the Southeast and Southwest markets.