April 15, 2020
We at Global Building have been monitoring the underlying strength of the economy carefully for the past few years. In 2018 & 2019, we successfully exited most of our investment positions. With the rapid advancement of COVID-19, we have spent the last month working diligently to re-position our remaining assets to weather the economic storm. We have also operated as a virtual company, albeit with a physical base of operations, for many years. Over the last two years we took additional steps to become even more productive in a virtual environment. With most of the virtual workspace procedures already in place, there were only a few new things we had to introduce and implement once the shelter-in-place order was issued. Minor items such as purchasing additional laptops, getting a few of our junior team members comfortable with this different way of working and strictly regulating which employee visits our corporate office and when, in order to maintain social distancing.
The virtual workplace has allowed us to further improve on our current processes and procedures, which will now be used moving forward. The move to “virtual” has been relatively seamless for us, so rest assured that we have not taken our eye off the ball as it relates to our investments.